One thing I cannot deny is that I’ve been an avid Drake listener from the very beginning. His songs are the perfect mix of singing and rapping. To be completely honest, not every song of his is a gem, but how common is that today with rappers constantly pushing out new content?

I am pleased to say that a statement song off his latest album Nothing Was The Same, received some ‘special treatment.’ Own It, is one of my favorites. A true R&B song that’s guaranteed to make you feel “Some type of way.”

Choreographer Brian Puspos, a fellow Filipino I might add, along with famed choreographer Ian Eastwood had taken the challenge of creating a visual dance video in accordance with the song.

A visual masterpiece is what was born. It’s a short film but it envelops you. You become transported to another time, another place, another feel.

I instantly fell in love. Just as I did when I first heard the song.

“Guess who’s it is….Yours”

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