Category Archives: Movies

Review!! LUCY… In the sky w/ diamonds

The storyline takes us into the possibility of unlocking the full capacity of the human conscious and takes us on the journey of its complete potential.

The main purpose of an organisms function is either immortality or reproduction.  Reproduction for the creation of offspring or the option of self sustainability if the creature is able.
We have found that most measures of matter are obsolete. Time is the most important measure of life for it is absolute and constant. All things are caused by it.

The ideas presented throughout the movie were able to be followed without much difficulty given that it is a science fiction. That’s mainly from the beginning towards the middle. Once it reaches the end, the ideas represent a far stretch of the imagination. A taste that is suitable for the open minded and the idea that the capacity of technology and knowledge of existence can be harnessed. Mix that with the capability of extra sensory telekinesis and advanced technology and you have the most avant grade sci-fi action thriller to date.

Enjoy this movie with an open mind and a tinge of an intelligent experience of fulfilling ones potential. The possibilities are infinite…
