Category Archives: Review

Review!! LUCY… In the sky w/ diamonds

The storyline takes us into the possibility of unlocking the full capacity of the human conscious and takes us on the journey of its complete potential.

The main purpose of an organisms function is either immortality or reproduction.  Reproduction for the creation of offspring or the option of self sustainability if the creature is able.
We have found that most measures of matter are obsolete. Time is the most important measure of life for it is absolute and constant. All things are caused by it.

The ideas presented throughout the movie were able to be followed without much difficulty given that it is a science fiction. That’s mainly from the beginning towards the middle. Once it reaches the end, the ideas represent a far stretch of the imagination. A taste that is suitable for the open minded and the idea that the capacity of technology and knowledge of existence can be harnessed. Mix that with the capability of extra sensory telekinesis and advanced technology and you have the most avant grade sci-fi action thriller to date.

Enjoy this movie with an open mind and a tinge of an intelligent experience of fulfilling ones potential. The possibilities are infinite…


Weekly Obsession: Artist, Lykke Li

Different. Refreshing. Swedish singer/songwriter, Lykke Li, is one of my favorites. Her music is so artistic it’s probably unlike anything you’ve ever heard. Her lyrics are are a work of genius and seems a few others have caught on.

If you haven’t seen her live performance that’s when she’s at her best, talented to say the least. A voice that’s pure. Vulnerable on stage, but with presence and charisma. What more could you ask for?

Because of her musical background she will often incorporate various instrumental elements. The use of percussion, strings and tambourines are commonplace. The sounds of live music is enchanting like that of indie-rock.
Listen to one song and you will definitely catch a hipster vibe.
Her songs featured in Twilight and performed at festivals such as Coachella. To witness her sing live is contagious.

“You’re my river runnin’ high, run deep, run wide.

I, I’ll follow. I’ll follow you. Deep sea baby.”

Here is her outofthisworld love On The Moon performance.

Here is her video official. Pure genius.

And here is a popular remix kind of an Abercrombie vibe but catchy none the least. A must listen!

Legally Bound

One of my favorite YouTube subscriptions is JoshuaDTV. He is kind hearted, down to earth, wholly accepting and loving. Not to mention quite hilarious. Some of you may know his girlfriend, Colleen Ballinger also known as the wonderful Miranda Sings. They are probably my favorite couple on the internet. You are sure to never have a dull moment watching them.

Anyway, I was going through my subscriptions and saw a video called “Love Wins,” with a photo of two rings in the thumbnail.
Now, instantly my mind jumped- Colleen and josh are getting married! This wasn’t true but I happened to be pleasantly surprised.

He introduced the video, saying that he was invited to a legal ceremony of his two friends Cat & Justine. Josh was able to film some of the event while standing as witness for the couple. Bear in mind their names are Cat & Justine. Yes, they are a both female.



Here is my reaction-

While watching the footage, as they are stating their vows before a judge, I can’t help but feel a little strange. Now, it is legal in California for same sex couples to wed, but I don’t think that fact hits you until it’s someone you know or you first hand witness the ceremony. Right away the visual of what is happening is something out of the norm. It feels weird to have a judge bind this couple of women together both spiritually and legally.

All is forgotten as soon as the vows are complete and the couple seal the deal with a kiss. This moment- everything I had in my mind completely disappears and I am overcome with joy. This couple  has accomplished a milestone they could probably only dream for. In many ways, that is what it’s like for most heterosexual couples but they experience a moment that is entirely surreal. The only thought that crosses my mind is how could anyone be denied this kind of happiness? It is the kind of happiness that overshadows all else and it is bound by love. The strongest driving force of the universe. Would we be wrong to think otherwise? I believe so, because it is entirely blatant that this is a union of  love and togetherness. I think this is ultimate gift of all and it felt right.

God bless them.

A friend once told me, “God will bless all couples who live for each other honorably.” I truly believe it.

Just glad we got to share it.

Follow me on…



Instagram: @bjc002


I once heard someone say, Eminem was their favorite rapper because of his ability to consistently release albums that can be listened to over and over. I remember having this unconvinced look on my face, but now I may have to disclaim that reaction from memory. It’s hard to deny that remark now that the new Marshall Mathers LP2 being so fire!


To be honest, it was only after listening to songs off the album apart from the popular singles, Berzerk, and Rap God, that I became hooked. The reason for that being, because I wasn’t all that impressed with what I heard. I had this idea for a while that Eminem was getting too mainstream (he actually addresses it in his song, Rap God.)


Now, for a lot of you out there, you may shudder at labeling a song or artist today as mainstream. It can be a taboo topic. Many of us become instantly turned off when those words are used in a sentence together.


To clarify, what this expression means in this case is that Eminem’s raps were becoming more to satisfy the masses and not for himself. It’s this phenomena that occurs when a artist becomes too popular or has gained significant wealth. We begin to question the artist and prefer his/her older songs over the new. No doubt, few artists today can pull this off without straying from what made them popular in the first place. What made them the ‘hot new sh*t’. What made them really relate their words to us. When I listened to the album with a friend whom is an avid Eminem listener, I found that there is something that instantly grabs our attention.



There is an incorporation of sounds and lyrics from his beginnings with modern references that takes on other artists, media, or social social sayings that are relevant. Now sounds and lyrics His transitions from one song to the next are well placed and eases you into something new with each track. It’s quite impressive

Listen: Rhyme or Reason (He goes in after rapper Chief Keef)

The separate tracks from the singles that are out now give you a sense of nostalgia and freshness. Eminem was able to use sounds and lyrics from his beginnings of rap and mix them with modern references and takes on other artist. His ability to do such a thing makes it difficult not to pay attention to.

Maybe you’ll recognize the famous classic rock line-“My Maserati does 185, I lost my license now I don’t drive.”

The track, So Far, features sample from Joe Walsh’s, Life’s Been Good.

Listen: So Far… by Eminem- (@3:05 he even throws in sample from Slim Shady!)